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April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness month! Did you know that women carry a higher risk than men for most eye diseases, according to Prevent Blindness? “Women make up the majority of the 4.4 million Americans age 40 and older who are visually impaired or blind.” – Prevent Blindness.

Ladies, luckily there are easy steps to make sure you are up-to-date with your eye health and catch issues early. Here are a few tips:


Make Your Annual Eye Exam Appointment

Take the first step and make your annual eye exam appointment! Simply being “too busy” was a major reason that many women did not get an eye exam, in a Prevent Blindness study. If you need doctor recommendations, Oxford Eyes would love to help refer you to a wonderful eye doctor in the Orlando area. Just remember you should never be too busy to make sure your eyes are healthy!

Wear Protective Sunglasses

Oxford Eyes offers a wide range of protective eyewear and lenses including polarized sunglasses, and BluTech lenses which help protect your eyes from harmful blue light emitted from the sun, computer and phone screens, and more. Ask one of our eyewear specialists about how you can take this extra step to protect your eyes!

Know Your Family History

There’s no such thing as being too informed! Knowing your family history will keep you in-the-know of any family history of eye disease and other important information that could be beneficial to your own eye health.

Be Safe & Smart

Just simply being safe and smart about product and contact use is important! There are other factors that could potentially affect your eye health such as smoking, taking supplements, and pregnancy. Make sure to talk to your doctor if you have any questions. Take time to read up on and understand the proper care and instructions for all vision related eyedrops, contacts and frames.


Help Oxford Eyes spread the word about eye health and Women’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness month this April and every day!